She Lives in New York City. When She Opened the Door to Her Apartment, I Couldn’t Believe It!

Author is Living Large in 90-Square-Feet of Space in NYC.

When it comes to living in New York, location really is everything. The closer you are to the heart of the city, the more difficult (and expensive) it becomes to score a great apartment; however, some people are following the tiny home movement wherever they are. An author, Felice Cohen wanted to be walking distance to some of the best attractions New York city offered. So, she found a great apartment…a 90-square-foot apartment!

Thankfully, Felice is also a professional organizer so she found a way to make the most of every square inch of space. Personally, I think she pulled it off! Her micro-studio apartment measures only 12 x 7 feet and her rent is $700 for the opportunity to live in the heart of the city. She can walk to Central Park, Lincoln Center, Times Square, and so many other great locations.

Watch how Felice lives in a 90-square-foot micro-studio apartment in Manhattan…


Felice has documented her life while living in this tiny apartment. She will soon release an e-book called ’90 Lessons for Living Large in 90 Square Feet (…or more).’ Please share this remarkable video an author living in a space of only 90 square feet in New York City with your friends and family.

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