His Son Hears a Guitar for the First Time and His Reaction Is Priceless!

Baby Hears His Dad Playing Guitar for the First Time and Smiles.

Babies are curious and they love hearing sounds, especially musical sounds. Just like this baby dancing to dad playing Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ On A Prayer,’ it’s safe to say that babies also love live music.

When a baby recently heard his dad playing a guitar for the first time, he couldn’t believe his eyes and his ears! When he notices the musical contraption making beautiful sounds, he must have been thinking, “what wizardry is this?!”

Watch this toddler’s reaction as he hears his dad’s guitar for the first time…


I think he’s going to want to play guitar like dad someday because that smile is unforgettable. This baby is hooked! Please share this baby hearing dad’s guitar for the first time with your friends and family.

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