Man Finds Bird With His Feet Frozen to a Pipe. What He Did Next Warmed My Heart…

While I like winter, I sometimes feel bad for all the animals that have to endure the sometimes harsh weather. Many volunteers often bring bales of hay or bird seeds to feed deer and birds to facilitate their search for food. It’s also heartwarming when people go out of their way to rescue animals in distress such as when a Norwegian swimmer dived to rescue a duck drowning as it fell through the ice.

Older Man Rescues Tiny Finch Bird Frozen to a Metal Fence Pipe.

While one little finch was searching for food, he got his feet stuck on a metal fence pole. His tiny feet immediately froze to the pole and he couldn’t fly away. When Nelson Wilson of Caldwell, Idaho, heard the cries, he noticed a bird was in distress. He rescued the finch in such a genius fashion that his rescue is going viral!

Watch this amazing rescue of a finch frozen to a fence…


Not all heroes have to wear capes and Wilson is one such hero. He took the time to rescue a tiny finch bird that found itself in trouble and it warms my heart.

Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments from the video, “Finch Frozen to Fence Rescue” by Nelson Wilson:

  1. “Aww listen to him thanking you as he flew away <3” – Fresh_Water
  2. “Whoa! He not only saved a little birdy using his breath, but he also managed to hold his phone horizontally!! This guy is a beast. He juggled everything so well.” – SCMowns
  3. “‘Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.’ – Arthur Schopenhauer” – Nayun
  4. “Horizontal + pretty steady + high-quality video + rescuing a small helpless animal. This guy got to be some kind of myth or something.” – Joshualacruz

Please share this heartwarming rescue of a tiny finch with its feet frozen to a metal fence with your friends and family.

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