Sometimes life throws us punches but it’s important to get back up. José Andaverde of Columbus, Wisconsin lost his home two years ago in a divorce from his partner of 20 years. He had to live in his car and concentrated on getting his life back together.
As he worked to get back on his feet, he couldn’t properly care for his dog while doing so. He didn’t want to leave his dog, Chaos, with a shelter. Instead, he left Chaos with a friend until he could take care of him again. It only took José 3 months to get back on track and he was excited to get his dog back from his friend; however, his friend refused to give the dog back to him.
In a strange turn of events, a Winnebago County Animal Services staff member found a dog wandering in her driveway and called the number on his dog tag. That number belonged to José and the dog in her driveway was Chaos! José just had to go pick him right away and their reunion was shared on Facebook and it’s simply beautiful.
Watch José Andaverde reunite with his beautiful dog Chaos after a long time apart from each other.
Even after all of this, he is not angry with the people he trusted with his dog but only thankful that he is back in his life. Please share this tearful reunion between a dog and his human with your friends and family.