A Wearable Device Will Change the Life of a Graphic Designer Diagnosed With Parkinson’s

Sometimes, life sometimes isn’t fair but brave individuals turn a negative into a positive every single day. Emma Lawton, a graphic designer, loves drawing for a living and it’s her passion. But, being diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease 3 years ago was something she was not prepared for.

Wearable Device Is Life-Changing for Emma Lawton, a Parkinson's Disease Sufferer.

Parkinson’s Disease often causes sufferer’s hands to shake uncontrollably. Since Emma Lawton’s diagnosis, her tremors were becoming so severe that she often wondered if she could continue her career, according to MS Power User.

Emma Lawton’s story is featured on The Big Life Fix. The BBC series highlights the UK’s leading inventors building life-changing solutions with technology. Haiyan Zhang, Microsoft Research Cambridge’s innovation director has created a wearable device that produces small vibrations to distract the brain. The technology has enabled Emma Lawton to draw and write her name for the first time in over 3 years.

Watch how a computer scientist develops a wearable device and helps Emma Lawton, a graphic designer write again…


As technology advances, computer scientists and inventors are creating life-changing devices. Just like technology has helped a woman hear for the first time in her life, the Emma wearable device will help Lawton draw again.

Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments from the video, “This invention helped me write again” by BBC Stories:

  1. “She draws straight lines better than me even with the tremors.” – CheapNugget
  2. “I’m a grown man… but I just couldn’t stop the tears. I don’t know if I even wanted to.” – Parttous
  4. “This is one of the most uplifting news stories I’ve heard about lately! Wonderful.” – OriginalBrett610

Please share this incredible device invented by a Microsoft researcher that controls tremors and gave a graphic designer the ability to draw again with your friends and family.

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