Cockatiels, parrots, and parakeets are some of the most popular caged birds and make awesome pets. Their intelligence is remarkable and having them learn to speak is a prized accomplishment for any bird owner or enthusiast. Just like this parrot mocking a group of cats, they’re also very brave!
One pet Cockatiel named Lucky doesn’t speak but he does something even more remarkable. When he sees his owner tying his shoes and getting ready to leave the house, he gets upset. When he does, he starts to sing the popular iPhone ringtone note for note and it’s hilarious!
Watch as Lucky the Cockatiel bird sings iPhone ringtone when he gets upset…
It sounds pitch perfect and it just proves how smart Lucky is for learning the entire ringtone! But what does Lucky think of his new YouTube fame? In another video posted recently, he is seen listening to himself on his owner’s laptop and what he does next will have you laughing out loud!
Lucky the CockatielĀ listens to himself singing the iPhone ringtone and heĀ is OVER it!
Lucky is just too funny and I just love him. Please share Lucky the Cockatiel singing a popular iPhone ringtone with your friends and family.