He Describes the Foul Smell of a Woman He Encountered While Shopping. His Wife Can’t Stop Laughing!

Man Gags When Describing Woman's Offensive Odor at Supermarket.

While everybody has their own “odor threshold,” there are some smells that are so bad, just thinking about them makes you queasy. Whether it’s the smell while walking past a dumpster or just plain old body odor, there are some smells you just can’t tolerate for very long.

While this woman won’t send her husband to the grocery store anymore, Darcy Cimarello probably wishes he didn’t go grocery shopping either. After arriving home from the grocery store, his wife noticed he was white as a ghost.

Concerned, she asks him what’s the matter and he starts explaining how he almost got sick while in line at the checkout counter. One woman was giving off an odor that had everyone holding their breath and when asked what she smelled like, Darcy starts gagging. In fact, it had such an effect on him, he gets a gag reflex just thinking about it and his wife can’t stop laughing. I can’t stop laughing either!!

Watch this man gag while describing the offensive odor of a woman at the supermarket…


While it must have been a bad experience for Darcy, I just can’t stop laughing at his story and his hilarious reaction while telling it. Please share this man gagging while describing the bad odor of a woman at the supermarket with your friends and family.

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