A Stray Pit Bull Needed Help but Nobody Expected THIS to Happen Next!

A Stray Pit Bull and Her Pups Needed Help and This Happened.

For any stray pet, trusting anyone can be a challenge but this Pit Bull had just given birth and she needed help immediately. Hope for Paws is an incredible animal rescue organization and when they received the call, they quickly did everything they could to locate her and her pups.

The team did a terrific job of rescuing the Pit Bull and her pups but then something happens. The Pit Bull put her paw on one of the rescuer’s laps. When she did, they knew something was wrong after taking some x-rays. Watch this moving story of a Pit Bull doing everything for her pups.

Watch this Pit Bull and her newborn pups get rescued…


Such a heartwarming story and the volunteers at Hope for Paws rescued her just like they rescued this Pit Bull who also needed help. Please share this story of Lexus the Pit Bull getting help from Hope for Paws with your friends and family.

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