A Sweet Little Toddler Takes Her Best Friend Cinnamon for a Walk and It’s Adorable

Sweet Little Toddler Takes Her Best Friend Cinnamon for a Walk.

It is no secret that animals love kids and my heart just melts every time I read an article about a child spending time with his/her pet. For Justin Dunn, a horse trainer in Colorado, he prefers horses and so does his daughter Emma.

In this sweet video, little Emma takes out her horse named Cinnamon out for a walk on a snowy path near their ranch. You’ll immediately notice the bond the two have together. Even when she drops the reigns, Cinnamon waits quietly and doesn’t attempt to run off. What a cute pair!

Watch Emma and Cinnamon, a little girl and horse that are best friends forever…


H/t: LifeBuzz

Emma is so lucky to be growing up on a ranch and the animals are also lucky for having her as a caretaker. Please share this super cute video of Emma and Cinnamon with your friends and family.

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