Pets are an amazing gift and receiving one as a present is even more wonderful. But for one boy in the short film ‘The Present’, he isn’t excited by the present his mother brought him. This delightful animation short is based on the very touching comic strip featuring a disabled dog by Fabio Coala.
In this story, a boy is busy playing his video games when his mom surprises him with a gift. Once he looks at the cardboard box, a delightful dog pops out. He happily picks up the dog to give him a hug.
However, the boy realizes that the dog is disabled and missing one of his front legs. He quickly loses interest once he notices this and places the dog on the floor but what happens next is one of the sweetest things ever.
Watch this touching short film, “The Present.”
The Present from Jacob Frey on Vimeo.
These two were meant for each other and it is so beautiful to see the boy’s reaction when he realizes his dog’s disability doesn’t get him down. This incredible animation short has had a successful run at over 180 film festivals and has won more than 50 awards!
Please share this beautiful short film called ‘The Present’ with your friends and family.