22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids Will Make You LOL

Texting with our mothers or even texting with strangers makes for exciting conversations but these 22 text messages between parents and their kids are hilarious. Some parents have a great sense of humor but some of these funny texts from parents are hilarious because the parents sometimes don’t realize they are being funny.

They can blame it on autocorrect or the parent’s lack of knowledge when it comes to the latest texting acronyms but these funny texts from parents are cute nonetheless.

1) Help a mother out with funny texts from parents.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Help a mother out.
Source Unknown

“Like my selfie on Facebook plz.”

2) Get the shot.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Get the shot.
Source Unknown

“Do you have emoji? No, I got the shot.”

3) I told you so.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - I told you so.
Source Unknown

“Please don’t text me for the next hour, I’m going to be on the treadmill. I wasn’t planning on texting you. What did I just say?”

4) Are you paying attention to these funny texts from parents?

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Are you paying attention?
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“Don’t forget to unload the dishwasher. Did you finish your homework? We have to go to your grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving. Dad and I talked, we are going to buy you a car next month. U are??? OMG thank u. No. We’re not. I just wanted to make sure you were getting my texts. That was cruel.”

5) Burn.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Burn.
Source Unknown

Broke 8 minutes on my first mile in about a month! Whoop! I’m glad you are driving slower.”

6) Inspiring mom.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Inspiring mom.
Source Unknown

“Have a great day!! Make bagel. Luv u. Luv my baby…Strive for your best!! You are a leader and a good person. Text me when u leave! Safe. Are you on your way??”

7) Funny texts from parents that have too much information.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Too much information.

Dad and I fondled ourselves for the first time last night. We didn’t get good results. Nothing came up. LMAO Mom I don’t know what you tried to write but that’s hilarious!!! Damn auto erect!!! Auto Correct!!! We googled ourselves! No results!!!”

8) Mom the matchmaker.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Mom the matchmaker.
Source Unknown

“Cute Jewish guy at the dog park. Going to medical school. Did he pose for that? No, it was taken secretly. Hahahaha so that’s why you go to the dog park. Yes to find you a boyfriend.”

9) WTF?

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - WTF?
Source Unknown

“I got an A in Chem. WTF, well done! Mom, what do you think WTF means? Well, that’s fantastic.”

10) Funny texts from parents with lightly fried fish fillets.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Lightly fried fish fillets.

“There are lightly fried fish fillets for dinner. Dad, it’s 1:15 am wtf. Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not? Well I mean yea. Mhm thought so come on downstairs they’re still hot. Wait what did you just make them? Yes, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make some lightly fried fish fillets. Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time Dad.”

11) Damn autocorrect!

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Damn autocorrect!
Source Unknown

“You are definitely coming here for Christmas right? I am cooking ham. Yes – and I’m bringing drugs. Oh like hell you are. Don’t you even THINK about bringing drugs into this house Melissa! Wow, chill Mom. I meant I’m bringing DOUG. Well, why did you say that.”

12) Newbie.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Newbie.

“Hi Bridget I space space space space how space is space you space doing period capital eye love this new phone exclamation point. I see you’re using voice text. You don’t have to say space Mom it does it for you.”

13) Funny texts from parents with a happy dad.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Happy dad.
Source Unknown

“How do u work this iMessage program? How’s the. Dad, you’re on the toilet…That’s why I’m smiling!”

14) #Conversation with son.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - #Conversation with son.
Source Unknown

“I’m learning how to hashtag. That’s great, mom. Hashtag conversation with son.”

15) What she said…

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - What she said...
Source Unknown

“What do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? I don’t know, love you, talk to you later. Ok, I will ask your sister.”

16) Thanks for the view.

22 Hilarious Texts between Parents and Their Kids - Thanks for the view.
Source Unknown

“It’s a beautiful day! Wish u were here! Just look at this view! Mom, your finger is covering the lens. How about now? Looks great, mom…”

17) Houston, we have a problem.

Houston, we have a problem.
Source Unknown

“I think there’s something wrong with my phone. I don’t think my texts are going through. Yeah, they’re getting through. How can you be sure?”

18) That escalated quickly.

That escalated quickly.

“Your mom and I are going to divorce next month. What??? Why! Call me, please. I wrote Disney and this phone changed it. We are going to Disney.”

19) Funny first texts from parents.

Her first text ever.

“Moonocababa. Best first text ever! Epic! Nice mom! What does it mean? Moonocababa.”

20) Measure twice, cut once.

Measure twice, cut once.
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“Do you still need help sewing? I can come over on Sunday. No – I urinated my pants today. I urinated my pants. I heard you. Why?? Are you ok? I am trying to say unhemmed! I did not pee myself. LOL, I was worried for a second.”

21) Funny texts from parents when you’re in a meeting.

I'm in a meeting.
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“In a meeting. Are you in a meeting? No, why?”

22) Good luck with that…

Good luck with that...
Source Unknown

“You left your phone at home.”

H/t: LifeBuzz

If you liked these funny texts from parents, here are 17 more parents’ texts.

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