Blind Man Sees His Wife and Young Son for the First Time and It’s Incredible

There are so many things we take for granted every day. We are blessed with senses such as vision, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. Losing one of those senses such as vision can be a traumatic experience. One of the most frequent forms of macular degeneration that leads to vision loss is Stargardt’s Disease.

ESight Glasses Let Blind Man Sees His Family for the First Time With on Rachael Ray.

Gene Purdie was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease over 16 years ago; however, his vision loss has been progressive and he now sees only outlines of people and objects. A new breakthrough in glasses called eSight allows people with severe vision loss to see again and Rachael Ray invited Purdie and his family to try them on. His reaction when he sees his wife and son for the first time will have you reaching for a tissue.

Watch a beautiful moment when a blind man using eSight sees his family for the first time…


What made this day even better? Rachael Ray has always been a very generous person and she gave Purdie a pair of eSight glasses valued at over $15,000 so he can see his family clearly every day.

Here are some of our favorite YouTube comments from the video, “eSight on Rachael Ray: Gene Sees for the First Time!” by eSight:

  1. “Imagine seeing her face for the first time after being married to her and realizing ‘Oh crap she is way out of my league how the [censored] did I get so lucky?'” – nunya biznez
  2. “I can not believe that this technology exists, it’s incredible.” – Crisisdarkness
  3. “THANK YOU ESIGHT for giving my son-in-law the glasses to see my daughter !! What a great day!!” – Steve Reynolds
  4. “My beautiful daughter Joy and son-in-law Gene with baby Lincoln. 🙂 My grandson. That you #esight for giving these glasses to Gene to be able to see my daughter for the first time. WHAT A GREAT DAY !!”

Please share this beautiful moment when a blind man sees his family for the first time with your friends and family.

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